August 11, 2007

A Poem

"I hope I’m not too rhetoric, though I still fear
Rhetoric as in impressive and insincere
These words may not seem too cohesive
Though it wasn't what I had in mind
I guess it’s time for me to unwind.

Some people today are just
Negative vectors with infinite magnitude
With a totally false attitude
Ever lost in direction.

Staying atop top of their list
Most never reach there
Their thoughts covered in mist
Trapped inside the evil dragon’s lair.

When will they learn how
It feels to live life?
The same moment 
They rid their head of strife.

The ideas are splendid
But none so ever thoughtful
If the world was left to them I have now seen
I would like to skip this image if you are not too keen.

“But the world cares not for the work done
But for the result,
Nothing speaks like success”, they brag.
“I could have done that”
But never “I have done it”
They go on and on.
They just don’t have a clue.

They don't understand
Bad and Good are relative.
Nature so creative
Life so addictive
They just crave for fame 
But without them, the world wouldn’t be the same.

They love the thrill of the roller coaster’s sharp bend
It's getting a little late, with this note I would like to end."

July 09, 2007


Human beings have evolved in response to parasites in the past and it’s possible that some of those adaptations may be protecting some people from HIV today. After collecting blood samples from people who are at high risk for being exposed to HIV, their DNA was analysed. On comparing the genes of people who were infected with HIV to those who haven’t, several different teams of scientists discovered that in order to enter a white blood cell, HIV has to pry open a receptor on the cell’s surface called CCR5.
The scientists came across a mutation to CCR5. The mutation ruined the protein that the CCR5 is supposed to create. As a result. People who carry two mutant copies of CCR5 have no CCR5 receptors on the surface of their cells and be repeaatedly exposed to HIV and yet resist it completely. People who carry only one mutant copy of the CCR5 make fewer CCR5 receptors than normal and this mutation slows down the onset of the full-blown AIDS for two to three years.
This mutation was most common in Europe and was missing from the rest of the world altogether. Whatever favoured the gene among the Europeans took place about 700 years ago (this was determined by the age of the DNA that surrounds the CCR5 mutation) And it turns out 700 years ago something was putting Europe under Massive NATURAL SELECTION: The BLACK DEATH

June 25, 2007


T-rex moves down to no.2
The bones of a giant new dinosaur Giganotosaurus carolinii were recently excavated by two scientists in Argentina. Giganotosaurus ( Giant reptile of the South) is believed to be one of the largest carnivores ever found. With a body length of 12.5m (42 Feet) and an estimated weight of about 6-8 tonnes, is believed to be larger than the Tryannosaurus rex and has replaced it as the largest meat eating dinosaur. ( The largest T-rex found is Sue which has a body length of 11.5m and was believed to be the largest carnivore to have ever lived.) Like T-rex, it has also been classified in the Arthopoda (A sub order of the Saurischia (lizard hipped) - Short forelimbs and an S - shaped neck) . It existed an estimated 100 million years ago in the Cractaceous period.

June 20, 2007


Neutron stars form from the stellar cores that remain after stars have exploded as Supernovae. (Supernova is a massive explosion in which the core of a massive star collapses in less than a second after it becomes a red super giant.) Sometimes the core survives the Supernova explosion. If the surviving core is about 1 1/2 to 3 times the mass of the sun, then it contracts to become a tiny dense NEUTRON STAR and if the surviving core is greater than 3 solar masses, then it becomes a BLACK HOLE. Neutron stars are normally 10 kilometres in diameter and consists almost entirely of neutrons (hence the name). Such stars are so dense that a spoonful would weigh about 1000000000000 Kg.